The computer, an essential tool

A computer is more than just an electronic device. The majority of people depend on computers for their daytoday work. It is not just people who do administrative work that need computers, but also researchers, professors or artists. All of them need computers to save and generate information. The more we know about how to take care of our computer, the better it will work. Moreover, computers are used as a means for connecting with other people through the Internet. We can have long distance relationships and receive news from our loved ones who are far away. However, it is also important to remember that using a computer that is connected to the Internet is also a responsibility and it must be protected. It is a good idea to be cautious with the emails you receive or the websites you go to, as this will help prevent problems. Additionally, it is also a good idea to use ICT tools to protect your system from viruses and malware. 

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The computer is an essential tool nowadays, but less than 30 years ago the idea that everyone would have their own (or even more than one!) personal computer seemed like science fiction. You have probably heard the theory of the education consultant Marc Prensky who, in 2001, established the difference between digital natives and digital immigrants. Find out more about this and, with a partner, write a definition of digital native. Do you consider yourself a digital native or a digital immigrant?