UNIT 5 - Electricity. Mixed circuits

Mixed circuits. Mixed association of resistors

A mixed circuit is one that combines the characteristics of the series circuit and the parallel circuit.

To solve a mixed circuit, it must be reduced to one of the two simplest models we already know, the series circuit or the parallel circuit.

This will require obtaining the equivalent resistance of those that make up the circuit until a single or total resistance is obtained.

Para seguir esta parte de la asignatura entra en nuestro Classroom.

IMPORTANTE: Información Google Classroom de Tecnología

Hola clase.
Os recuerdo que vamos a continuar la asignatura usando Google Classroom y por tanto es necesario que os unáis a la misma. Para uniros únicamente será necesario entrar con el usuario que se os envío la semana pasada al correo de vuestros padres. 

Recordad que usuario que se os mandó en la carta tiene la forma    xxxxx@ciademaria.net y la clave empezaba por X y un número.

La actividad que tenemos pendiente para esta semana ya está subida al Classroom de la clase para que la realicéis desde allí.

Además, desde Classsroom vamos a gestionar las videoconferencia que vamos a programar para las clases online.

Un abrazo a tod@s.

UNIT 5 - Electricity. Series and parallel circuits

4.- Series and parallel circuits.

Connecting elements in series

A series circuit is one that only provides one path for the flow of current. The elements are connected one after the other.

Any type of circuit component can be connected in series: energy sources, control elements and output devices. In order to be considered a series connection, they must have one single path for the current to pass through.

The total resistance of a series circuit is obtained by adding the all the resistance values in the circuit.

When several generators or batteries are assembled in series, we must take the polarity into account. If the positive pole of a battery is connected to the negative pole of the following battery, the voltages will add up, while when two poles of the same polarity are connected, the voltages will be subtracted. Connecting generators in series with opposite poles allows greater voltages to be obtained without changing the current values in the circuits.

In a series circuit, the following applies:

Os dejo un vídeo explicativo de los circuitos serie:

Problem: Calculate the current and the voltage in each resistor.

Connecting elements in parallel

A parallel circuit is one that has several possible paths available for the flow of current.

Two or more resistors are connected in parallel when both ends are joined together, thus forming as many paths as there are resistors in the assembly.

  • In cases where two or more resistors are connected in parallel, as with the series resistors, it is possible to calculate the equivalent resistance of the assembly.  The total resistance of a parallel circuit is obtained by means of the following formula:

  • In cases where two or more generators are connected in parallel,  you must make sure that they all have the same voltage and, as they are components with polarity, all the positive poles are joined on one side and all the negative ones on the other. When connecting two or more generators of the same voltage in parallel, the voltage is maintained and the charge and intensity supplied are increased.

Os dejo un vídeo explicativo de los circuitos paralelo:

Calculate the intensity and the voltage in each resistor.

Actividad evaluable.

Tendréis que hacer los dos ejercicios que se proponen en los dos apartados y subir una foto a Google Classroom (próximamente disponible) antes del final del día 1 de mayo.

Además, antes del final del 1 e mayo también tenéis que rellenar el siguiente formulario:

UNIT 5 - Electricity. Ohm´s Law and Electrical resistance - TRABAJO 13-04 al 17-04

3.- Ohm´s law

Georg Simon Ohm was a German scientist from the 17th century. Through the experiments in his laboratory, he discovered the relationship between the three fundamental electrical quantities: electric current, voltage and resistance.

According to Ohm’s law, the electric current flowing through a circuit is directly proportional to the voltage applied and inversely proportional to the electrical resistance.

It is expressed mathematically as:

UNIT 5 - Electricity. How Electricity Works. - TRABAJO 30-03 al 10-04

Presentación prezi: Electricity: How it works

1.- Direct current and alternating current

Watch the following video:

How Electricity works?

Electric current is a physical phenomenon which is due to the passage of electric charges through electrically conductive material at a given time.

If you look at this definition, electric current is the amount of electric charge, whose unit of measurement is the coulomb (C), passing though a conductor at a given time, measured in seconds under the International System. Therefore, electric current should be measured in coulombs per second (C/s). This measurement unit, however, was renamed to honour French physicist André-Marie Ampère. Therefore, the unit of intensity of the electric current is the ampere (A). Ampère made numerous discoveries on electricity. He invented the galvanometer, a primary device used to measure electric current which later gave way to the ammeter, the device currently in use.

To make electric current flow between two points there must be an energy difference between them called the electric potential. This potential difference is also called voltage and its unit of measurement is the volt (V). One volt is the potential difference between the two points when, while transporting a charge of one coulomb from one to the other, one Joule of energy is consumed.

UNIT 5 - Presentation

Trabajo semanas entre el 16 y 27 de Marzo

Hola chic@s.

Aunque estas semanas se planean diferentes no implica que nos cambie el plan de trabajo que teníamos planeado. De esa forma, seguimos con nuestro proyecto Scratch hasta el día 27 fecha tope de entrega. 

Por supuesto, no os preocupéis, cualquier duda podéis hacérmela llegar por correo electrónico (arobles@ciamariaalmeria.org) o por Edmodo (si tenéis problema con el usuario decídmelo y lo solucionamos), preferiblemente por esta plataforma para que la clase lo vea y podamos aprender todos.

También existe la opción de entregar el trabajo individualmente si tenéis problemas al hacerlo en parejas tal como hemos hecho las dos últimas semanas en las que hemos estado trabajando en este proyecto. Pensad que si habéis aprovechado las dos semanas que llevamos trabajando en este proyecto nos os quedará mucho para terminarlo.

Recordaros el método de evaluación:

Functionality of the game, max. 5 points:
              The game has Score - 1 point
              The game has different difficulty levels, the possibility of two players or win screen- 2 point
              The game has a Game over screen - 1 point
              The game has an instructions screen - 1 point

Originality, max. 2 points (several backgrounds according to levels, original characters, etc..)
Behavior in class during the game develop. max. 3 points. (Do not waste your time and use your time in your project.)

Aquí tenéis varios ejemplos de juegos que podéis utilizar para crear el vuestro.

                           Saltar objetos: Here you can get a basic guide.
                           Virtual Pet: Here you can get a basic guide.
                           Catch objects Here you can get a basic guide.
                           Chase game: Here you can get a basic guide.
                           Bouncing Ball : Here you can get a basic guide.
                           Flying Game: Here you can get a basic guide.

Para que aprendáis a compartir proyectos de Scratch y reutilizar alguno ya existente os he realizado un vídeo explicativo.

Os dejo también un vídeo, a modo de recordatorio de lo que vimos en el primer trimestre en clase, en donde se explica cómo realizar la subida a Edmodo de la actividad. Recordad en ponerme los nombres de los componentes el grupo.

Os dejo un ejemplo de juego de un alumno del año pasado para que os divirtáis un poco:
